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Unintentional Curses: How Our Emotions Can Cast Spells Without Us Knowing

Updated: Oct 22

We’ve all had moments of intense emotion—anger, sadness, frustration—that have consumed us. But for those of us who walk the path of magic, these moments can be more powerful than we realise. In these heightened states, we may inadvertently direct our magical energy outward, casting curses on ourselves and others without fully intending to.

In this post, we’ll explore how unintentional curses can happen, how they affect us, and most importantly, how to reverse them and cleanse ourselves from the negative energy they leave behind.

What Is an Unintentional Curse?

An unintentional curse occurs when our emotions—usually strong negative ones—align with our magical will, creating a spell or energy that we send out without conscious thought. This can happen in the heat of a moment, during an argument, or in a state of deep sadness or betrayal.

For example, imagine you’ve just been hurt by someone close to you, and in your anger, you shout something like, “You’ll never find love again!” or “I hope you suffer like I have!” If you’re a witch or spiritually connected, your words, charged with emotion, might take on a magical life of their own, binding the target—and possibly yourself—into the negative energy you’ve released.

Without realising it, you may have cast a curse, one that can linger in your life and theirs.

Witches as Keepers of Balance

A woman in nature
Witches Are Keepers Of Balance

It’s important to understand that true witches do not seek to harm or curse others. Yes, we are powerful enough to cast curses, but it goes against the true nature of a witch. We are the keepers of the planet, protectors of balance, and healers at heart. Our role is to work in harmony with the natural world, nurturing and restoring where there is imbalance.

This is where many misunderstand witches. Our power is not meant to be used for harm, but to maintain equilibrium. However, there are moments when our emotions get the better of us, leading to unintentional curses. This is why practising calm, control, and emotional awareness is so crucial for us as witches. When we align our intentions with peace and healing, we remain in harmony with our true purpose.

Unfortunately, there are those who may play at being witches, wielding their power without understanding the consequences. They might cast curses intentionally, thinking it makes them powerful, when in reality, they’re causing more harm than good. What they may not realise is that their harmful energy can come back to them—sometimes threefold—causing more damage in their own lives. This is why it’s never wise to curse anyone. As true witches, we understand that all energy we send out—good or bad—can return to us.

We, as true witches, can help undo these curses—whether cast intentionally or accidentally—restoring peace to those affected.

The Threefold Law

The Threefold Law, sometimes called the Law of Return, teaches that whatever energy a witch sends out into the world—whether positive or negative—will return to them threefold. When we send out curses, even unintentionally, we run the risk of that harmful energy rebounding on us with triple the force.

This is one of the reasons true witches avoid cursing others. Our power is meant for healing, for creating balance, and for protecting the natural order. When we act out of anger or malice, that energy disturbs the balance not just for the person it’s aimed at, but for ourselves as well. And when it returns, it can create even greater disharmony in our lives.

This is why it’s so important to learn how to calm and control our emotions—so we can avoid these unintentional mistakes and focus our power on healing, nurturing, and protecting.

Recognising the Signs of an Unintentional Curse

How do you know if you've unintentionally cursed someone or yourself? Here are some signs to look for:

  • Repetitive patterns of negativity: If the person you directed your anger toward (or yourself) experiences a recurring cycle of bad luck, failure in relationships, or a general sense of heaviness, it may be due to unintentional magical interference.

  • Lingering emotional weight: After the outburst, do you feel like you’re still carrying that energy with you? This could manifest as guilt, anxiety, or even physical fatigue.

  • Discord in relationships: If your words were aimed at a loved one or partner, and since that moment, the relationship has felt strained or distant, this could be the result of an energetic block created by the curse.

Once you’ve recognised that this might have happened, it’s time to break the curse and cleanse yourself and others from this energy.

How to Break an Unintentional Curse

A woman sitting outside creating a spell to break a curse
Breaking A Curse

If you think you’ve unintentionally cursed someone—or even yourself—here’s a simple yet effective ritual to break the curse and cleanse yourself of the negativity.

Step 1: Acknowledge the Curse

Before you can break the curse, you must accept that it happened. Sit with yourself and reflect on the emotions that caused the outburst. Forgive yourself for what was said in the heat of the moment—this is essential for healing.

You can say something like:

"I acknowledge the power my words carried, and I forgive myself for allowing anger to speak for me.

I now take responsibility for the energy I have released."

Step 2: Cleanse and Release

You’ll want to release the lingering energy from the curse. Here’s a cleansing ritual you can follow:

  • Tools: A black candle (to banish negative energy), a white candle (for healing), a bowl of water, and sea salt.

  • Light the black candle and say:

    "By flame and light, I release the curse.

The words of harm are undone, their power reversed."

  • Light the white candle and focus on healing. Say:

"By this light, I bring healing and peace.

The harm is mended, and love is restored."

  • Sprinkle sea salt into the bowl of water and dip your fingers into it. Anoint yourself with the water on your forehead, heart, and hands, saying:

"With water pure, I cleanse my spirit and restore balance within."

Pour the water onto the earth afterward, symbolising the return of the negative energy to nature.

Step 3: Cord Cutting

If the curse was directed toward someone else, it’s important to cut the energetic ties created during that moment. You can perform a simple cord-cutting ritual:

  • Tie a string between two candles (one representing you, the other representing the person).

  • Light both candles and visualise the connection between you. Focus on any anger, hurt, or guilt that might still be lingering. Say:

"This bond, this tie, no longer serves.

I release you, and I free myself from harm and ill."

  • Cut the string, symbolically breaking the connection and freeing both of you from the negative energy.

Step 4: Set Protective Boundaries

Once you’ve cleansed and broken the curse, it’s important to protect yourself from future emotional outbursts turning into unintended magic. Carry a protective stone like black tourmaline, or anoint yourself with protective oils like frankincense or lavender before moments where emotions may run high.

You can also set an intention that your emotions and magic will always work in harmony for the greater good, ensuring that future outbursts don’t result in unintended consequences.

Moving Forward with Awareness

Magic is powerful, and emotions are one of its most potent fuels. When we’re mindful of this, we can better control the energy we release into the world. By practicing self-care and emotional awareness, we can avoid cursing ourselves and others unintentionally—and if we do slip up, we now know how to repair the damage.

As witches, our power lies not only in casting spells but in healing and restoring balance when needed. With intention and love, we can always find our way back to harmony.

Closing Thoughts

True witches understand that our power is meant to heal and protect, not harm. We may make mistakes, but it is in our nature to correct those mistakes, restore balance, and offer peace to ourselves and others. And remember, any harmful energy sent out can come back to us threefold—so it's always wiser to choose healing over harm.

If you’ve ever unintentionally cast a curse, know that you can undo it—and in the process, learn to wield your magic with greater care and wisdom.

Blessed Be!

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So helpful, thank you!

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